Results for "Owl"


  • 3 Wheel Journey are no phones, no people just heaps of flies in 42 degree C heat..! What do you do, fix it so you can continue..chained up and keep going,,, slowly! The trailor decide it h...

  • WSC Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical knowledge

    ...t Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge is for ultralight, sport...ot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, "8083-25A" but...all trike pilots. Providing basic knowledge essential for all trike p...aircraft and for passing the FAA Knowledge Exam and Practical Test (...

  • IMG_2315

    I had to take the front cowling off for repair and a paint job.  I'll be replacing most of the bolts/nuts on the front end.  

  • Training Syllabus for learning to fly and becoming a CFI Syllabus and Workbook” is the curriculum of lessons to study in order. It is organized in a logical building block approach to learn the knowledge and flying skills in the...

  • WSC Aircraft Flying Handbook

    FAA “Weight-Shift Control Flying Handbook” has more detailed and comprehensive information specifically on the trike.  This book is ground school for aeronautical knowledge plus the “Flight Training” book.

  • As the City Awakes

    A light fog slowly lifts as the city of Hervey Bay comes to life during the middle of another working week. Those that work, go to work while those that fly......... well you know.

  • Set up before Dawn

    ...ntire trikes off the ground while tied down--  we all worked together to tie them down better and drove the RV's around them to block the howling winds.  Vance (gyro g...

  • DARE to be SAFE - Human Factors p2, he was my dad. One great achievement flight has injected into my life.. is the responsibility of self.. and my decisions. Sharing our knowledge and wisdom, creates a dic...

  • DARE to be SAFE - Human Factors, he was my dad. One great achievement flight has injected into my life.. is the responsibility of self.. and my decisions. Sharing our knowledge and wisdom, creates a dic...

  • EarthRise- Apollo 8, 45 years ago, Christmas Eve

    .... Wow, is that pretty!” Anders was in charge of the photography, but had to wait as Lovell searched for the right film, while the Earth slowly left the frame. But seco...