Results for "Overhaul"


Discussion topics

  • A Typical Engine Overhaul

    ...d down the road. With that in mind. I have few questions. In an engine overhaul, typically what parts are rep...engine so it has about another 920 hours or so before it might need an overhaul and if I am very careful with...


  • FAA Safety Tip : Propeller Basics

    ...ver, these inspections may not guarantee propeller reliability, as a failing device may be hidden from the view of the inspector.  Propeller overhaul is strongly recommended to ac...

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Market posts

  • Air Creation ยท 2nd Hand Ultralights

    ...ts (wings and/or trikes) proposed directly by Air Creation (completely overhauled in our workshop) carry a on...he aircraft are generally available immediately. Conditions of wing overhaul are specified in this documen...


  • A Typical Engine Overhaul

    Hi all, I got a question for all of you. As ULtrikepilot mentioned about the HKS engines being discontinued. I am thinking that I should stock up on spare parts that I might need down the road. With that in mind. I have few questions. In an engine overhaul, typically what parts are re...

    Tags: Overhaul, HKS engines, Spare Parts