Results for "Over Water"


  • MICROLIGHT FLIGHTS: Three Coffee Deparados - A Slice of Paradise

    Hi Everyone - a new video is up for you guys... Part 2...A Slice of Paradise - my friend air-air in his amphibian Searey landing and taking off from the water of a large dam!   T...

  • Queensland Floods this is where Cayonbox lives.

    ...e city contemplated a long recovery from its worst-ever flood di...than the 1942 record. Floodwaters have reached the rooftops, but it was not known if water had entered living this stage. Even if did overtop in some places, there's a t...

  • Glen Canyon 360 VR

    ...turned out as expected, calm and smooth the entire flight. I had flown over the top of the canyon a few sort of survivable spot in the bushes or beach to set down, or a BRS water landing as a last resort. He...