Results for "Oklahoma"




  • 2 Frustration

    ...en I'm done here to see what in fact happened.Don't know how that will help me next time however. (Now I get whythey call the basketball team the Oklahoma Thunder)Amarillo, TX which si...

Top-level pages


  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 4-26-13)

    ...0th Annual Center Fly-In & Air Show Center, Texas: Center Municipal Airport (F17) May 04, 2013 5th Annual Oklahoma Antique Airplane Association Fly-In Pauls Valley, Oklahoma (KPVJ) Saturday, May 04...


  • 2 Frustration

    FRUSTRATIONSo far this short trip has been all about weather and I don'tanticipate that changing. I stopped in Needles because the winds weremuch higher than forecast when I landed and I didn't want to continuethat day into the mountains with higher than anticipated winds andfeeling tired. Waited...
