Results for "My terrifying Trike flight story"

Discussion topics

  • why do birds fly so easily and so well and common myths or truths to the aerodynamics of bird flight

    i have had a lot of thought on this over the years from a sparrow to a albatross and i do believe that the common accepted ideas do not add up to modern calculations. birds fly so well simply because they have hollow bones. birds fly so well because the have enormous wing muscles.

  • First time

    "Hello Everyone, we have a first time flyer on board today - and it is also their 50th birthday!" After everybody cheers, the flight attendant continues, "Will everyone please wish the captain a Happy Birthday!?"

  • Clearance

    Pan Am 727 flight, waiting for start clearance in Munich, overheard the following conversation: Lufthansa (in German): "Ground, what is our start clearance time?"...

  • Tell Us about your Trike

    Make, Model. Wing description. How long you have had it? Any modifications? Likes and dislikes? What would you like to buy in the future? Anything else you think would be interesting. Add a photo or video if you want to.

  • Odd Spot: TIF anyone? Worst possible passenger an airline that refused to let him board a full flight by sending officials to block...santara airlines refused to sell him a ticket for a fligh...

  • by Max Stanley (Northrop Test Pilot)

    "The Piper Cub Trike is the safest airplane in the world--   It can just barely kill you. "

  • XC GPS

    Hi, I'm looking to purchase GPS for my trike.   So many choice on Garmin, Tom-Tom, Navigator, etc.   What do you recommend for the GPS to use for XC?   My first xc would be from El Mirage to San Bernardino mountains, or other one from El Mirage to Baker and return.

  • Screaming babies...

    Words from a pilot  During a commercial airline flight an experienced Air Force pilot was seated next to a young mother with a babe in arms. When the baby began crying du...

  • Flying the Air Creation Tanarg!

    This is a copy of some question that Henry asked me. Hi Henry, Don't e...les like a dream. But it is different to the onther Trikes I have flown. The rough stuff...d it was great. by the way I did go up for a second fligh...

  • Over and under engineering

    Recent discussion on a tragic accident thread on CSI has taken a tan...ver/under engineering related to trikes. NO WHERE (let me repeat, NO...ore important than with part 103 trikes.  We have a weight limi...enalty.  No one wants their trike...ctive with regard to my Maverick trike...