Results for "Morning Glory"


  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    Morning is the time to fly.   Unless it was blowing hard the past week, the...t hour of the day in dead calm conditions. The morning conditions are so sweet, some...comfort zone.  Fly for an hour in the perfect morni...

  • Back on the Horse Today.

    The weather this morning was (and still is) spectacular. So despite my sore arm - I went for a fly - the winds were very light to non-existent.  How could I mi...

  • Trike Flying over The Grand Canyon-- Oct 26, 2012

    The Grand Canyon Last Friday (Oct. 26) was a nice day for a morning flight out of my home field at L...k of my pickup by 9:30. The next morning it was wheels up before sunri...Airport (KGCN at 6609') the next morning where I unloaded my extra fue..., Arizona plateau. The next morni...

  • 2 Frustration

    FRUSTRATIONSo far this short trip has been all about weather and I don'tanticipate that changing. I st..., TX which sits at 3605', is a close Winds Aloft station andthis morning the winds at 6000 are forecast at 14 and tomorrow morni...

  • 7 On to John's House (Williamsburg Airport (KJGG))

    Posted June 25th: On to John's [Williams] HouseThe next morning I had the hardest time getting up. Didn't sleep wellthe night before and...light is like Mecca to a pilot and it feltspecial to see it in the early morni...

  • 2013- March 6th: Carl Carlsen's fatal flight- Airborne XT, Streak III wing, Rotax 912 80 HP

    WHEN Carl Carlsen and a female friend took off from the Somersby airstrip early yeste...hours of flying experience suggested an enjoyable morning joyflight taking in the rays...hours of flying experience suggested an enjoyable morni...

  • 9 Meeting Barry Maggio (Posted June 25th evening)

    Posted June 25th evening: Meeting Barry MaggioJohn let me sleep in until 7 AM..."wake up...ound "TheLady". My vote was to wait until the next morning to run up the riverand that's...ike geek stuff. I was excited and couldn'twait for morni...

  • 10 Meeting Barry Maggio

    Meeting Barry Maggio First Posted June 25th evening John let me sleep in until 7 AM......ound "TheLady". My vote was to wait until the next morning to run up the riverand that's...ike geek stuff. I was excited and couldn'twait for morni...

  • 12 Groundhog Day (Again)- More in this Long DistanceTrike Flying Adventure series

    Groundhog Day (Again) -  More in this Long DistanceTrike Flying AdventureThis morning, AGAIN, I waited a while in the hopes that the clouds/mistwould burn off in the Pittsburg, PA area,...

  • 4 Making Progress & Radio Problems:

    Some of the Back story-- Making Progress & Radio Problems:June 16:Yeste...eft Dalhart, TX after 7 AM to givethe morning rain and TS's a chance to cle...the previous afternoon.….This morning I had planned to jump East to...of yearin the Southeast. Hazy in the morni...