Results for "Luggage"


  • Opening up the beast

    This is the air shroud in front of the radiator inside the luggage area

  • Rear Side view of the system

    A look a the system through the luggage door

  • The Bus

    Refueling in the little town of Ivanho.  The bus takes anyone who does not want to fly, all our luggage and tons of fuel.  It also ferries us around form the airport to hotel and adventures in town

  • Pressure gauge

    Here is the pressure gauge for checking the system. Tied in nicely behind the luggage door on the Tanarg

  • Luggage

    Spare shoes (one is behind left rear wheel because windy), two inflantable mattrasses, two sleeping bags, spare clothes, tent, big blue bag with my father's spare clothes and a bottle of plum brandy and a bottle of water. 

  • Liquid Containment Bag- from Alaskan Bushwheel

    ...have the Turtle Pack, it does come in very handy for actually carrying fuel in the trike.  It sits very securely in the back seat (even with luggage bag) strapped on four corners...