Results for "Long Distance XC"

Top-level pages

  • My Conclusion for the best camera for trike videography

    The time has come for me to buy my next camera. I have been using the GoPro Hero up...ost comes with a 7 hour battery option which is the longest in the POV camera industry...rift Ghost will be excellent for pilots who do very long cro...

  • Acceleration: əksĕlərā'shən (Not flying related (well sort of)-- but cool as hell)

      DEFINITION OF ACCELERATION For those who love numbers, engineers, speed freaks and those who...ut nearly blasted you off the road when he passed you within a mere 1,320 foot long rac...

  • John's Most Excellent Adventure

      John Williams set out June 6 in his Revo, flying from Williamsburg, VA t...ards New Braunsfel, TX. A family friend Kenzie, is along for the first part leg of thi...e a Real Cowboy? I was kinda dry and all after that long fli...

  • Everyday Blonde Jokes

    I have nothing against the blondes, but I think some of these jokes are just funny. If you are offended then I ap...ns? A: Her husband died. Q: Why can't blondes fart? A: They don't shut up long eno...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    What to take / things to consider on XC. This is a series of emai...s now mostly been superseded on super-long, multi-day XCs, by my Enigma...on and huge spike nails (the 10" long type) ======= Guys,...#39; going to try and get this to go along thi...

  • Beware the Drop Bear.

    Beware the Drop Bear.        &...that means the grass starts to grow along with other things. The Honey..., laminated the fuselage top ¾ longerons with their ¾ doub...their razor sharp claws. Bunyips have long leg...

  • FSA issue 96 - Blind faith

    It's the stuff of nightmares. At a critical moment during flight you turn to yo...ngency. The growing prevalence of unapproved apps, along with a lack of backup for EFB...ajor incident to snap them out of this naivety, how long bef...

  • When I learned my lesson about Dew Point-- TIWTIWGTD

    Hostman started this great group- Member's Life Stories. I told him I wishe...nd is diverted upward, giving a lift band, defined along the edge of the cliff.  ...pidly, it was whiting out & I was up high and a long way...