Results for "How to short pack a wing"


  • mex_mtn_trike

    We parked our trikes to the side and then went for a short hike along the river to find Jebadia Curry’s Grave.

  • Turning Short Finals 11, Touch'N'Go. Hervey Bay

    Practicing my landing and circuits at YHBA.  Can you appreciate the sun in the eyes. (Last flight of the year 28/12/2012).

  • Trike in trailer from the outside

    Shot of a Northwing trike in a 21' enclosed trailer. Note wing supports at the rear!

  • hose rott

    this is not the worse rotted piece. most of the hose was still supple but all the short lengths were hard. all came from same 10ft lengthj????

  • Over Salton Sea

    Since I'm still having trouble getting a better quality video, here's a photo from last weekend at Salton Sea.  We climbed to 4500' to make a short cut over the water.  Smooth air all the way. 

  • Takeoff from Mexican Mountain

    When I preflighted my trike, I noticed a very thin layer of frost on my wings.  I knew frost on the wing was less than ideal, but I to...t, like very fine sandpaper on the wing. I took off and eased the ba...the sun to melt the frost off the wing.  BEWARE  &nb...

  • my new wing

    there was in 2004 in Championshop of Slovakia Lučenec. I have new SkyGlider wing 12,8sqm for 2 days :)

  • Wing tip View

    Got this from the wing tip GoPro-- was showing the trip to my wife and she said, that's a nice shot!

  • New wing

    He bought new wing MW-117 its 11,7sqm area, made new trike with C2V engine

  • My new Manta 17 wing

    The color on this wing are much brighter than the picture...I love it's solid construction. Couldn't fly it today due to strong winds