Results for "How to short pack a wing"

Discussion topics

  • My terrifying Trike flight story

    Hi everyone, I would like to share a terri...having serious trouble controlling my wing on the ground (it was and sti...oming from my left now and slammed the wing tip to the ground (we were th...I think either we had stalled and the wing had lost it's energy. My elbo...

  • Over and under engineering

    Recent discussion on a tragic accident thre...he chassis and components, engine, and wing.  If you allocate too mu...on what is available for engine & wing.  Some over engineering...that other parts of my trike (like the wing) would fail in a shock load f...

  • why do birds fly so easily and so well and common myths or truths to the aerodynamics of bird flight

    i have had a lot of thought on this over the years from a sparrow to a albatross and i do believe that the common accepted ideas do not add up to modern calculations. birds fly so well simply because they have hollow bones. birds fly so well because the have enormous wing muscles.

  • Why birds do not have vertical tails.

    Thought some of you (W.E.?) might be interested in this brief discussion. Of course, we have known for some time in the flexwing world that adverse yaw can be overcome by wing tip aerodynamics.