Results for "Gusts"



  • Novy dvor - a goulash meeting exam. It was nice sunny day and I didn't see clouds at the sky, a small hazes only... Yes, was windy in this day,  8m/s (cca 16kt) with gusts 13m/s (cca 26kt) headwind a l...


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  • Free audio - Approach and Landing When the Air is Bumpy

    Free 8-minute audio by Rod Machado where he offers tips and tactics for landing in gusty conditions. Rod explains: The hidden hazards associated with wind gusts How to maintain better control during your approach Avoiding inadvertent stalls from wind shear Recommended...

    Tags: Turbulence, Wind shear, Landing, Airspeed, Gusts, Control, Stall, controls, landing, control, machado, audio