Results for "Free Keel"

Discussion topics

  • Wing Fold back problems

    It is Saturday January 25th. I am a bit...were folded back at this point and the keel stayed in the same place, whi...each wing tip, the wings and thus the keel can be held physically to sta...ow how to help me solve my problem? My keel and wings must stay level whe...

  • Radio Antenna and radio performance

    What type of radio antenna works for you?  By work I mean transmit well.  Just because you can he...not need a ground plane and it can be taped into any part of your trike that is free...

  • My terrifying Trike flight story

    Hi everyone, I would like to share a terrifying trike story. This happened back in 2009, this was the day before...ger part of the equation already figured out and that is that I own my aircraft free...