Results for "February"


  • Evening flight into Sky Meadows Airpark the weather on Saturday made for a great late afternoon / evening flight.  Completed installing Aveo PowerBurst Strobe/Position lights in February and have flown 4 flights now...

  • Floatfest 2013

    ...ikes, who provided the lakehouse from which we operated, slept, cooked, and launched.  This will be an annual event around the third week in February, so plan now to escape the wi...

  • Green1 Electric Trike by eUP Aviation

    ...Very nice change from piston power. New prop designs will lower the prop noise even more! We plan on doing more testing around southern USA late February and or early March  ...

  • Trike Repairs - XT-912 weld/tube crack

    ...emble (eventually) of my trike during the repair of my fork carrier due to a recent Service Bulletin from the manufacturer. Dismantling began 4th February.  Delays caused by lack...