Results for "Evening"


  • 9 Meeting Barry Maggio (Posted June 25th evening)

    Posted June 25th evening: Meeting Barry MaggioJohn let me sleep in until 7 AM..."wake up, we need to get ready toleave in half an hour". He had an early breakfast meeting and I...

  • 2 Frustration

    ...her than Tuc., soI shut it down for the day at 11 AM, I think about 450 SM. I had hopedto get ahead of the TS system that arrived last night.Last evening I figured if I got a 5 AM sta...

  • 6 an Earlier Report: Catching up with Craig: to set down due to turbulencesouth of Atlanta at Lagrange-Callaway AP and made arrangements to meetTrevor NE of Atlanta at 19A AP at 8 PM that evening after the air hadquieted down...

  • 10 Meeting Barry Maggio

    Meeting Barry Maggio First Posted June 25th evening John let me sleep in until 7 AM..."wake up, we need to get ready toleave in half an hour". He had an early breakfast meeting and...

  • 3 Ford Crown Victoria

    ...With a bit of luck I'll get it right and get out of heretomorrow.And Tony, that's a very good suggestion of being open to lateafternoon and early evening starts. I am prepared for tha...