Results for "Engine Rough"

Discussion topics

  • A Typical Engine Overhaul

    Hi all, I got a question for all of you. As ULtrikepilot mentioned about the HKS engines being discontinued. I am thin...d. I have few questions. In an engine overhaul, typically what only 80 hours total on this engine so it has about another 920 h...I would think with all the HKS engin...

  • Alert service bulletin: Checking of the cylinder head assy.2/3 for ROTAX® Engine Type 912 and 914 (Series)

    ...leak in the intake channel. There is a possibility of small machined through holes, which can increase the oil consumption which may result in engine stoppage.   htt...

  • Trike Tech Spec & Info Talk

    Discuss trike specifications and all technical information regarding various trikes, such as engine type, performance, oils, fuels, climb rates, propellers etc

  • Flying the Air Creation Tanarg!

    This is a copy of some question that Henry asked different to the onther Trikes I have flown. The rough stuff I can feel and I guess...on the controls. I didn't find this at all. I through it around the sky like a spor...

  • Tips and tricks for Landings

    As a low time pilot, I'd certainly learn from some tips and tricks on landings from you seasoned pros....? For example, I've learned that the flare is significantly less on an engin...

  • Over and under engineering

    Recent discussion on a tragic accident thread on CSI has taken a t...thread to discuss over/under engineering related to trikes. NO WH...) is the balance between over engineering, strength, weight, and a...r the chassis and components, engine, and wing.  If you alloc...2 places.  This is over engin...

  • Santa and the FAA

    Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administration, and the FAA examiner ar...time," as he leaned over to whisper in Santa's ear, "but you're gonna lose an engin...

  • the future inovation of trikes where is it heading

     As a childhood dream of bird like flight hang gliding was a fufillment for me. now i am older triking my 2....Prone in a hang glider is very birdlike but presents some obsticals in adding engin...

  • Wing Fold back problems

    ...efurbished the carriage and added a BMW 1200GS engine with a Warp Drive 66 five and swearing involved and it jacks my BP through the roof. If you can handle a...e sail was loose and the 10 blade went right through my sail and tore a six inch h...