Results for "BioniX 15 Specifications"


  • Yarrawonga Free Camp - Chinaman's Bend Green Bank

    True Glory IIII.. October 2015.. The gypsy aviator,, admin camp site.. living with nature... operating my b...te stick.! Today we are preparing the closure for five imported Tanarg BioniX's machi...

  • My New Aircraft

    Hey Guys, FINALLY!!!!! got my new Skyper airworthied  in Tucson on November 11th.  Had to fly o...Janice for about 10 days and then fly back to Petaluma.   With the BioniX 13 wing...

  • Persistance, Dedication & Passion

    Satis-Fly your Passion.!   A journey like no other.. In 1994, I stumble a...d the assembly of a new Air Creation, Tanarg 912s BioniX 13 machine at Stan's hang...b aboard a sexy, custom yellow Tanarg 912s - BioniX 13 mach...

  • German DULV Aerodynamic Pitch Testing - BioniX

    Trikes don't have tails..or tail surface controls..! Tumbling can occur (end over end) whilst flying a microlight, if the aircraft is flown beyond the fligh...