Results for "Channel islands"


  • San Miguel Island

    Last (large) island headed N/W away from mainland

    Tags: San Miguel Island, Channel Islands

  • IMG_1917

    Tags: Channel Islands

  • All beaches out here are nude beaches

    Who would see you ?

    Tags: Channel Islands

  • Lots of nice coves & blue waters

    Most of these were on the lee side of the waves (south/east) and sheltered.  I saw many sleeping seals on them.  The resurgence of the seal population, especially the elephant seals has attracted the attention of great whites. Speaking of waves, it was neat watching the ref...

    Tags: Channel Islands

  • Channel Island Trip

    I had been wanting to do this flight for a while.  I had flown to Catalina before, but in some ways this seemed more challenging--  very isolated, no public airstrips (1 dirt strip that says they will prosecute you for landing there), strong cold currents, great whites, blue whales--...

    Tags: Channel Islands, California, Tanarg, Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel

  • Wing tip View

    Got this from the wing tip GoPro-- was showing the trip to my wife and she said, that's a nice shot!

    Tags: Channel islands