Results for "My terrifying Trike flight story"


  • Dan & Becky's Flying Adventure

    Took my next door neighbors up for their first trike flight. They were very nervous but overcame the fear. As expected, I have more friends to fill the back seat when Debbie can't fly. :) I think I get more enjoyment out of taking people up for this unique experience than they do.

  • Sarah's Sunsets

    I recently had the pleasure of sharing an evening flight with an adventurous young lady whom I have known for many years. Introducing people to the unique flying experience that a trike provides is great fun! Hope you enjoy the ride.

  • For your weekend relaxation

    This is the continues 10 minutes beautiful footage captured by George. Thanks for George's precise flight maneuvering to capture my trike in the flame almost all the time. I doubled the speed of the movie.

  • Maverick trike with Solairus wing

    Well I see that I have not posted any thing in the Part 103 or UL trikes group for quite a while.  Don't believe...ily was vacationing at the NJ shore, I took a flight in my North Wing Maverick Leg...ation would provide maximum flexibility for infligh...

  • Beautiful Moment of the Flight

    Sometime, I don't need multiple cameras, but just one. No editing needed on the clip. I just added the music I like. This was such a beautiful moment in my trike.

  • Test flight for the anti-vibration camera mounts

    Just a short local test flight. It was a bit bumpy. This is raw footage, no music, no editing except removing some...ith the software. I tested my new anti-vibration rubber camera mounts on this fligh...

  • Not the first but the last in the monsoon

    It is always a memorable event doing high attitude stall avoidence in a trike. At such a high attitude you must avoid performed without training of a certified flight instructor familiar this extr...eme maneuver. If not performed properly, the trike...

  • StingRay

    My first flight with my new StingRay wing. Martin,  my ex-student, flew with me there on our school trike

  • Earth Flight

    Truly amazing footage of flight. This first video is a behind the scenes look at the project. Other videos show the outcome of the project....blew me away.

  • Flying Convergence at Cayucos (Morro Rock)

    for a longer TIWTIWGTD story, see ( )