Results for "Long Distance Trike Flying"


  • Green River, 2014

    Here is a long video of my run up the Green River in October 2014. Paul and I camped at a huge disappointment. It was great to have the GoPro for this one. Enjoy the long i...

  • Smithy's Cup Trike Competition 1992

    The first Aussie trike competition held in 1992 at Smithy's Airfield, Hexham near Newcastle. The competit...ding, engine off and touch & go tasks with a great bunch of local trike pilots. Several other successful trike...

  • Trike Flying #20 - Black Mtn/ Henderson/ Railroad Pass

    Flying around Black Mtn/ Henderson/ Railroad Pass

  • In A Galaxy....

    Just having some fun :-) All I need now is a funny/dramatic ending - any ideas? Maybe shooting down a tie-fighter? Or the trike being shot up by laser beams? Maybe being chased by a tie-fighter or flying information with an x-wing? Too many possibilites.

  • Sarah's Sunsets

    I recently had the pleasure of sharing an evening flight with an adventurous young lady whom I have known for many years. Introducing people to the unique flying experience that a trike provides is great fun! Hope you enjoy the ride.

  • Dan & Becky's Flying Adventure

    Took my next door neighbors up for their first trike flight. They were very nervous but overcame the fear. As expected, I have more friends to fill the back seat when Debbie can't fly. :) I think I get more enjoyment out of taking people up for this unique experience than they do.

  • mid air collision

    this video just a good reminder to follow ridge rules and lesson on clearing your turn and generally being aware of your surroundings while flying a hang glider,soaring trike or anything that flys. whew it dont get closer than that

  • Fall colors!

    Flying a tiny airport in Keene, New York. Marcy Field.  Trees were like a day past full color, but still nice. I trailer my trike, tent etc up there on a homemade trailer.

  • Hoover Dam Flyby

    Flying past Hoover Dam in my Airborne Outback trike. Had to do it twice because the GoPro quit 5 minutes in the 1st attempt. It was really fun none the less.  I have hundreds of other videos on my Youtube channel. Just search for Larry Kaiser.

  • Let's touch the sky

    This is NOT my video, I just watched it on facebook and felt this needed to be shared. It is very nicely done with good music and editing. Definitely captures the thrill of Trike flying. I enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy it too.