Results for "Trike Pilot"


  • electric trike pittmedows bc


  • PIC First Solo Certified

    As of 19th January 2013 I am a certified microlight pilot. This is my first flight with this status - the day after my instructor signed off on my certification. I made a round trip of approximately 50NM.

  • Evening Trike Flight

    Short trike flight around Quitman-Brooks County Airport, (4J5).

  • 9,000 Miles in a Trike

    Uploaded by Henry Imgw on Dec 9, 2011 I flew over 150 hours in my trike in the year 2011, it equals about 9,000 miles in distance. Thank you all the trike pilots flew the great journeys toge...

  • How a landing should be !!

    Youtube description 2010: "A 52 second video showing the typical pilot reception on landing at the Florida Ridge hang gliding park." I think the bikini model is a female HG champion as well.

  • Airspace for Ultralights

    This dvd was released by Foot Flyer (powered paragliding people) but nonetheless it can be a good addition to any pilot's collection.

  • Introduction to Trike Flying

    I found this vintage video of introduction to Trike Flying. I thought it was interesting, you may like it too.

  • Lisa's First Trike Flight

    Here is a fun little video of Lisa overcoming her worries and fears. Leo Fitzgerald took her up for her first trike flight over the skies of Pahrump and for a minute below ground level. Fear quickly turned into an incredible experience. Kudos Lisa!

  • Engine Backfires Then Fails

    When the engine fails fly the aircraft and keep looking for a landing spot while troubleshooting. I think the pilot did a good job throughout.

  • Turbine Powered Trike

    Figured you all would get a kick out of this turbine powered trike. "pasadas rapidas con un ultraligero pendular con motores a reacción en peñascosa (albacete)" Past ultra fast with a pendulum with jet engines in rocky (Albacete)