Results for "Memorial Day Light Sport Aviation Rally"

Top-level pages

  • Night Ride Home

    Picture this: it's 2 a.m., raining, and forty knot winds are tryi...ates as Jasper) is ready for flight.  Before the first rays...; Wow!  Look at the light on Lake Christabel - isn't th...;How’d you go, Neil old sport?” are only two commercial flight...

  • About This Website-- Help, Logging In, How To's, Details, etc.

      For Help Logging In, contact  Admin @  All...Weight Shift Control Aircraft, Lightsport & Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders) a pla...etes do things that give their sports a black eye and distract fro...n the opposite corner, the highlighted...ft Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport...

  • Secrets of Cost-Effective Maintenance and Recommended or Required: The Savvy Aviator #61 & #63 Mike Busch AvWeb

    The first article: "The Savvy Aviator #61: Secret...the Director of Maintenance (DoM) of a one-aircraft aviation department. Unfortunately, fe...their A&Ps to manage their maintenance, and generally are unhappy with the results....

  • Member's Life Stories

    (if you've already read the intro jump down the page to ***) Hostman started...t LAX, we couldn't stop talking about our aviat...nt runways based upon their direction of flight after airborne. It was the and tell you about PSA Airlines. PSA flight...

  • When I learned my lesson about Dew Point-- TIWTIWGTD

    Hostman started this great group- Member's Life Stories. I told's saying about once having tasted flight, always looking skyward wishi...ou set up.  HG is a very calculating sport- i...ature was cool and the wind on launch was light...

  • Rotax two stroke reliability reveled

    There is an industry stigma that Rotax 2 stroke engines 503/582 are not as reliable...r periods without being run. The new Aero Shell Sport PL...ventual engine failure. Higher octane fuels are generally more refined and higher quali...

  • Notes from "Surviving the Ramp Check" AOPA Webinar Event

    For those of you who missed the "Event" I posted here at all trik...e of special endorsements for Sport Pilot, but again the logs don...ce in your log book? But generally, if not egregious, the FAA a manner similar to a pre-flight wi...with you later.   The flight manual/ op limitations, weigh...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    SPEED AND DISTANCE ARE CONCEPTS: 1824.4 nm in 37 Flight hours. The Bundy Run, August...eniently next door. We had a slight problem with the rental car f...challenge of the day was the flight through the Gold Coast and Co...e breakfasted, packed up, transported to Ballina Airfield, lined up...

  • Megafauna Flyaway 2012

    Megafauna 2012...           &...X-air, thirteen XT-912 four-stroke trikes, a Light...sland or as the Crow eaters call it KI. The flight ac...olwa and headed for Wentworth for the night. Light...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    What to take / things to consider on XC. This is a series...INIMUM you can access during flight.  Make flip sections case your clip lets go in flight, or you fumble it while flipp...XXX Tower, Experimental lightsport X=N1234 15 miles to the South...ower,  Experimental lightsport Tr...