Results for "light sport"

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  • Megafauna Flyaway 2012

    Megafauna 2012...          ...thirteen XT-912 four-stroke trikes, a Lightwing, three Cessna 150’s...r as the Crow eaters call it KI. The flight across the water was spectacu...d headed for Wentworth for the night. Light...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails case your clip lets go in flight, or you fumble it while flipp...XXX Tower, Experimental lightsport X=N1234 15 miles to the South...ower,  Experimental lightsport Trike N1234 15 miles to the S...bsp; I have an in-dash "Flightline FL-760 Transceiver "...

  • Call to Action. Adding Spiral recovery Tasks to the Practical Test Standards (PTS).

    ...nd instructors while performing a flight review required for all In the PTS Power Off...Well it can be either in the Slow Flight and Stalls Area after the whi...ion of exactly the sequence among flight instructors, but  I teac...

  • FSA issue 96 - Blind faith

    It's the stuff of nightmares. At a critical moment during flight you turn to your electronic flight bag (EFB) needing required to have a backup flight bag, whether it takes the for...the cost of the traditional flight bag, could be problematic. De...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    ...t times, are higher than our flight altitude. Microair could supp...eniently next door. We had a slight problem with the rental car f...challenge of the day was the flight through the Gold Coast and Co...e breakfasted, packed up, transported to Ballina Airfield, lined...