Results for "cross country flight"

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  • Scott Adair

    By Larry Hughes Scott (Skyman) Adair was killed in a tr...him when the weather permitted. It was absolutely flight worthy and although an early...d to progress from balancing on the mains to first flight. The winds were 10-15. I am n...

  • The Gripe Sheet

    After every flight, pilots fill out a form, called a gripe sheet whi...en pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that gr...most replaced left inside main tire. Pilot: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rou...

  • Mexico 2014 VAMANOS CABRONES!

    Here's another destination=Pedro Kordich's bitchin' flight park on San Marcos dry lake. I first flew this ridge in about 1988 and it was a primitive site. Now, it's luxurious, thanks to Pedro.

  • Flight Log to Share

    For all you pilots out there, I thought I would share my Big week of flying. ...5 days. And I thought we could all do the same.  So please post your flights with a brief description of...

  • A true storry

    last weekend I was at the Dubova airport at th Air show. Big weather - thermal and gusty crosswind. He did navigation flight, he waited at waiting point, exam. 1st he didnt the pre-flight check, 2nd he made two the sa...nce and he cant to control his flight for sure? I ended the call an...

  • prov. 'neither a lender nor a borrower be '

    well, i was and did. while blessed with an excellent memor...sure. well, there was no tragedy, fortunately, the flight went ok, BUT he had on HUGE h...g'. is this  a new fad? i personally prefer a flight suit and gloves, am i missing...

  • Time to smell the roses

    I posted this blog on trikepilot social, but I seriously suspect that I will get any ho...friends and their entire life style. That is a huge cross t...dified the vent system, that caught fire during the flight and we all know that much but...

  • Incident Report

    ...19 as the student needed some crosswind departure training. After...for a full stop landing. The flight would depart at 0730 hours.In...side of runway 23. We joined crosswind with a throttle setting towards the fence past the flight strip. I had control but not...

  • Flying is for the Birds- (Excellent article on how cool birds are)

         ...nbsp; “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Ea...of the Renaissance was imagining what flight would or could be like. More...s the fastest in level, wing-flapping flight. Read the rest (even bett...

  • Hang Gliding from a Triker's Perspective-- Going Back is Going Forward

    The mission to Wallaby Ranch was three-fold: 1) Check out a used low hour glider-  so we had talked about hooking in, cross-c...ready to ship, going to Sun n Fun & Fantasy of flight-  Steve Prepost gave gro...