Results for "pilot in command"

Top-level pages

  • Im' going to ...

    A huge C-5 cargo plane was sitting near where a trike was waiting to take off. The trike pilot got a little nervous because the military plane was closer than normal, and asked the tower to find o...

  • Threat Error Management Report for Moira Shire Council.

    Threat Error Management Report for Moira Shire Council. Area: Yarrawonga Aerodrome inn...e. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair. Aircrew, pilot only, was not injured but very shaken up. 4. Piper Warrior single pilot o...

  • Flying is for the Birds- (Excellent article on how cool birds are)

          Proficient Pilot: Flying is for the birds VFR creatures...this beautiful piece of prose is well known to pilots, it could not have been mean...rdo da Vinci some 500 years ago, there were no pilots....

  • Time to smell the roses

    I posted this blog on trikepilot social, but I seriously suspect that I w...idents. Now I know many of you trike pilots are thinking this but I will...fe lost affects many other lives. The pilots that perished flying your ma...;Craig, like Gerry was an experienced pilot....

  • Remembering TWA

    You remember TWA (Trans World Airlines) don't you? Well I do, as one day at and Greenland, then down into England. The pilot brought all engines up to engine at the point of no return on takeoff. The pilot h...

  • Best Gibbo wing for an HKS700e motor

    This is my dilemma, I really like Gibbo wings, in pictures they look like they are b...the best match?  I am not a cross country pilot, I am a patch flyer. But I give me better ability of hauling two people (a pilot a...

  • Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?

    Found an article posing a question I often wonder about. Not a gr...back, we posted a video of a pilot making a forced landing...em - questioning why the pilot didn't land in one of the fie...aft Superstol lost power. The pilot initiated a forced landing on...l covered the windshield. The pilot i...

  • Pilot's Prayer

    When my flying days are over And from this life I pass..... I hope they bury me upside down So the FAA can kiss my A""

  • roof landing

    well it happened, a veteran trike pilot started it with him not in it, it flew off without him, went vertical stalled and crashed onto the hanger roof, at my home field...

  • A true storry

    last weekend I was at the Dubova airport at th Air show. Big nice advent. A lot of do theoretical and practical final exam for his pilot licence. There werent qu...gry and she scolded me, that her husban did all the pilot t...