Results for "low fuel"

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  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    ...a quick lunch break and to refuel. There was a light mist, and...into Narrabri to top up with fuel and head up to Moree for our...gged and packed our aircraft, fueled up and became airborne agai...beyond Parkes Aerodrome. We refueled, stretched and became airbo...

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 4-3-13)

    ...5 Meeting & Fly-in Luling, Texas T91 Apr 14 EAA 1350 Sun 'n Fun Fuel and Hamburger Stop LaGrange,...terfall hikes, fishing, campfire cookouts, and scenic drives. Aviation fuel is available nearby at the Oz...

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-28-13)

    ...terfall hikes, fishing, campfire cookouts, and scenic drives. Aviation fuel is available nearby at the Ozark (7M5) and Clarksville (H35) municipal airports. Ethanol-free fuel for Light Sport Aircraft is a...

  • Night Ride Home

    ...) it was mid afternoon and plain we weren't going far that day.  Steve beats me into the air by half an hour as I finish packing and find fuel, with a loose arrangement tha...