Results for "jeffsflightlog jeff_trike manzanos ultralight trike"

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  • Trike Fest 2014?

    Any info on it?   Mentone is the week after Oshkosh...hope some of you can make it.  Always lots of Gyros, Helis, and PPCs...and I've only seen one trike there.  No idea why.  They fit right in,

  • Homebuilt Electric trike on eBay

  • prov. 'neither a lender nor a borrower be '

    well, i was and did. while blessed with...hrs' FWP crashing a borrowed trike, fatally, jogged my memory. i...flying things asked to try my trike. he said he had 'a bit' of tr...ocked up the front wheel, the trike did a 'stoppie' up on it's no...ep hearing about  'naked trike flying'. is this  a new...

  • Battens falling out of a trike wing during flight

    A few months ago I watched a trike crash video. It was somewhere in Russia. It was a fatal crash.  This trike was a single person trike wit...ash. Can this really happen?  My current trike wing has strings to hold batt...

  • Tax question, when purchasing a new trike

    I am purchasing a used trike from Montana. I am a resident of Oregon, do I have to pay any taxes on t...Oregon. The reason I ask this is because when I purchased my first trike (sold now) I was a resident o...

  • TRIKE BOOK SALE for Valentine's Day

    A special for sweet couples, that would be you and your trike!  Yes from now until the end of February 2015 my book TrIKES: The Flex-Wing Flyers is on...l (dot) com.  258 pages of everything trikes.  Still the best value...

  • roof landing

    well it happened, a veteran trike pilot started it with him not in it, it flew off without him, went field arlington wash. fortunattely he wasn'tt seriously hurt but the trike was totalled. coulda been wor...

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    I went with my friend for a flight today, I fly a Northwing N...landings we felt a significant shimmy. Now on my trike, I already have a dampner, I...t 6 mile cross wind. Has anyone who owns a Navajo trike exprienced this? sometimes I...

  • Tail Dragger Trike

    Could a tail dragger Trike be designed? It would be the ultimate backcountry flying machine.

  • Airborne Electric Trike in 2013? The Ultimate Trike Whether it’s the V-Lite with the F2T wing or the T-Lite wit...rmance Core wing it would be difficult to find a better handling trike. Both machines powered either...