Results for "Evening flight"

Top-level pages

  • Flight Log to Share

    For all you pilots out there, I thought I would share my Big week of flying. ...5 days. And I thought we could all do the same.  So please post your flights with a brief description of...

  • prov. 'neither a lender nor a borrower be '

    well, i was and did. while blessed with an excellent memor...sure. well, there was no tragedy, fortunately, the flight went ok, BUT he had on HUGE h...g'. is this  a new fad? i personally prefer a flight suit and gloves, am i missing...

  • Teen's high flying dream lands him in Marion: 3 Days & 900 Miles the occasionally harrowing flight from Central Pennsylvania, wh...uses the ultralight and takes flight lessons. "I've...Norton hopped a commercial flight to Philadelphia, meeting a fr...h allows just over 3 hours of flight time per tank. The plane itse...

  • Incident Report

    ...telyTraining exercise for the flight:After a full briefing for the...ed by me and released for the flight.Training flight number 25 for...for a full stop landing. The flight would depart at 0730 towards the fence past the flight strip. I had control but not...

  • Flying is for the Birds- (Excellent article on how cool birds are)

         ...nbsp; “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Ea...of the Renaissance was imagining what flight would or could be like. More...s the fastest in level, wing-flapping flight. Read the rest (even bett...

  • Dean Batman

    --- In, mpoliak@... wrote: > &...his trip to Kitty Hawk for the 100 years > of flight celebration and assisted the...than anything else, Dean helped others enjoy > flight in many different ways. From...

  • How to install instrumentation on a stick trike

    This page is inspired by the lack of help...nstall a new GPS (Garmin AERA 500), a Flight 2 combined airspeed/altimeter...ctional that the pilot could reach in flight, etc. To do this I used some...    With the flight test completed, and communica...

  • Nav Flight App for Android... PPGps!

      I was introduced to this app today for android. Has anyone used it?, and the ability to export kml files. There is a wealth of real time inflight data also.

  • Ornithopter & Man Powered Flight  

  • Manta Wing Questions

    To you trike pilots that have Gibbo wings who can tell me a little bit about the Manta H 15 RST wing and its flight characteristics?  I...