Results for "Long Distance Trike Flying"

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  • Incident Report

    Incident Report 20/02/2017 at 0845 hours.Yarrawonga Aerodrome YYWGMETAR:Wind...That would occur somewhere within the low flying a...e. I now knew wewould hit the fence. I no make the assessment. The aircraft belongs to the student.End of report....

  • Notes from "Surviving the Ramp Check" AOPA Webinar Event

    For those of you who missed the "Event" I posted here at all trikes (see "Events" in...doing maintenance-- can I be ramped (i'm not flying, prepping to fly or just fle...rovided later. The second "R" in ARROW is no longer required (that was for Radio...

  • Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?

    Found an article posing a question I often wonder about. Not a great article, and offercs inconclusive advice, but...awn interesting conversation. I had an engine out due to fuel pump in my first trike....

  • New Aeros Dealership located in Idaho

    Hi all,   I want to let all of you know that we just the dealership for Aeros Trikes and Wings. We are located in...Aeros makes some of the best trikes and wings. They to get you your next Aeros Trike or Wing. We will be getting o...e.   Regards,   Trikef...