Results for "Evening flight"

Top-level pages

  • Atlas Human-Powered Helicopter - AHS Sikorsky Prize Flight


  • Flying's Future?

  • Adjustable B-bar (belly bar shaped like a B)

    I recall a B-bar that attached to your base-tube that could be adjusted in (nearly 360 degrees as I recall) in flight. I’m looking to build one. Anybody have an old photo. I can’t remember the locking and rotating mechanism/hardware.

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter do...rfaces to shift independently of each other during flight improving handling. Another c...he detached under surface is you can pre-flight your entire airframe!"...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter do...rfaces to shift independently of each other during flight improving handling. Another c...he detached under surface is you can pre-flight your entire airframe!"...

  • Wish me luck everyone...

    Tomorrow I am having my check flight and final exam - and all going well I shall be a certifiable... ahh I mean Certified Pilot. Today I almost completed 5 hours of my required...

  • Find pilots to meet with in Ogden Utah

    I am in Ogden Utah for the day and would like to meet up with another pilot to get my daily flight fix. I have a bad flying habit!

  • Scott Adair

    By Larry Hughes Scott (Skyman) Adair was killed in a tr...him when the weather permitted. It was absolutely flight worthy and although an early...d to progress from balancing on the mains to first flight. The winds were 10-15. I am n...

  • The Gripe Sheet

    After every flight, pilots fill out a form, called a gripe sheet whi...en pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that gr...most replaced left inside main tire. Pilot: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rou...

  • Mexico 2014 VAMANOS CABRONES!

    Here's another destination=Pedro Kordich's bitchin' flight park on San Marcos dry lake. I first flew this ridge in about 1988 and it was a primitive site. Now, it's luxurious, thanks to Pedro.