Results for "Prop Strike"

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  • Ken and the Weedhopper

    ken and i drove the 600mls to lake alvord in south east oregon, his ford 'exploder' dragging a huge trailer with m...p of the panel controlled by a 12volt flasher. the windshield was dusty and the prop w...

  • Passive Detection Systems.

    Passive Detection System - Power lines.       &...h a problem that almost all military helicopters are now fitted with WSPS (Wire Strike Protection System). The WSPS...

  • Scott Adair

    By Larry Hughes Scott (Skyman) Adair was killed in a tragic accident at Valkaria (X59) Airport on 29 April Following impact, the gyro slid into a parked fixed wing, striking the prop a...

  • Again Almost!

    last friday was lovely, sunny, 50 deg, no wind. but saturday was different, with possi...s, and proceeded to pitch the new (to me) warpdrive prop. 1deg at a time. i had the fr...yellow t-shirt. THEN the wind really blew, my bod' proppe...

  • Beware the Drop Bear.

    ...ey, usually other marsupials or emus. At the appropriate moment the Dropbear laun...mally grazed sheep on their Outback Queensland properties. The sheep became unvia...which makes them particularly prone to Goanna strike. However, that's anot...

  • Night Ride Home

    Picture this: it's 2 a.m., raining, and forty knot winds are trying to ri...ssengers in case some landowners whose property we'd made into an impromp...y... ah, this rain must be wearing our props out... hey, Neil wants to behind an Air New Zealand twin turboprop.&...