Results for "My Wife "Carol" & being Outdoors"

Top-level pages

  • A very sad news: Rebel Wallace died in a trike crash

    It is with a very heavy heart that I write this. Our beloved Trike Instructor Reb died in a...s house, where he burnt DVDs for me of that flight. I had the pleasure of meeting his wife and...

  • The Case of the Missing Pilot

    The Case of the Missing Pilot A pilot left home about 8:30 a.m....he way out the door he answered his wife...lunch at the airport. 1:30 came & went, 3:00 passed, 6:15, stil...s in the driveway, and presents his late getting home." His wife loo...

  • CFI Training Books for Sale

      Note to Admin: I tried to submit my ad in Marketplace but it is NOT working, I trie...ind because, I don't feel that my skill level is where I can teach others and also my wife doe...