Results for "landing light"


  • PF2018

    Dear friends, I wish you Mary Christmas and a Happy flight through 2018 Year. Take off is your possibility - but landing is your necessity. Then how many take offs - so many beautiful landings!

  • see the lever

    Lever is back - free runing engine - its a landing configuration

  • upside down

    Some pilots that take off in the Northern hemisphere, have problems landing in the Southern hemisphere. Harry T Logan

  • Glacier National Park from ground level

    Glacier was spectacular from near 11,000 feet.  I showed my mom the pics I too...e years ago!!!!  She wins-  better composition, better color, better light !!  Shows me not to mess...

  • The REV

    I had an amazing opportunity to fly t...a SST. So pretty much nothing light, let alone ultralight. I had...friend, Wes go for his first flight. Larry told me to “just..., 15 m single surface, was so light and easy to maneuver in roll....s a short video of our first flight in the Rev. Try not to chuckl...

  • Slab City

    Landing "Street"

  • Old and new

    The new landing gear covers are made from  .030 black UMHW Polyethylene.  @ttabs found the rigth stuff and ordered up a set for both of us

  • The Crew

    Some of the pilots at Albury on the first flight 2012. The last four pilots on the right died...ied when they crashed in the Trike in a last light crash. Alan the next pilot of my new XT-912 Arrows on the delivery flight. They will be missed. We live...

  • Exiting the valley of doom

    I left death valley after landing at stovepipe wells and furnace creak. This is looking south while headed east up out of the valley toward Amargosa

  • Toucan't Fly

    Toucans can't fly. Whilst on a cross country trip to Lightning Ridge in outback NSW, we had a forced landing. Suspected bird strike to the propellor. All went well though. No damage to trike or pilot and passenger. Yes, a video is being made. Watch this space!