Results for "LED"


  • Some of the Polson crew

    ...nk of).  Joe suggested we  nickname this the Polson Fix-in as many maintenance issues where being addressed.  Great learning and knowledge sharing opportunity for all...

  • Rebel Wallace teaching Me forced approach procedures

    ...tient, and remarkably intuitive when he teaches. For anyone wanting to catch Rebel for refresher lessons or just to meet this walking wealth of knowledge, he will be there until the...

  • Trike Globetrotters back in Florida!

    Leo (@lfitz3) just called as the Trike Globetrotters, Andreas and Doreen landed back in Florida after crossing the Caribean. They have comleted their trip across the US, down one side of South America, and up the other, and are headed up the East Coast of the US for an Atlantic crossing this Summer.

  • Shoptool

    ...wood piece and it worked good.   Once the new abs sheet arrive, I will make holes with this.   It's lot easier than hand-drilled....

  • Crossing the Grand Canyon North, Dragon Corridor

    ...l to the rim and had many bail out options to the left.  Ahead on the North Rim I could see a forest fire burning.  Looked like a controlled burn.  Dragon Corridor t...

  • El Morro

    ...artially exposed ruins of the indian village on top of the mesa.   At the base of El Morro is large permanent pool of water and a wall called "Inscription Rock" which has...

  • Meteor Crater

    We flew out to Winslow Arizona for our first stop of the day.   We refueled and scarfed down an sandwitch and headed out again.  A few miles to the west was Meteor Crater.  I circled over the crater which was a strong fun thermal generator now at 2pm.

  • Beautiful S. P. Crater

    ...r is a National Park.  But I wanted to see a lesser known Crater called "S. P. Crater".   I...landowner of the mountain, expressed his opinion that the mountain resembled a pot of excrement (Shit Pot)...

  • Little Colorado

    We turned north to pick up and follow the Little Colorado River for a while.   The canyon is very steeply walled and runs for a hundred of miles, like some sort of maze....

  • Three Trikes

    Our trike buddy Chris of Taos, NM wanted to join us on this trip, but couldn't break away from new father duties.  We called Chris last night to set up a rendezvous the next mo...