Results for "How long does it take to become a Pilot"


  • Big bird in Gardnerville

    Great flight with Harold as co-pilot. Gardnerville NV is an awesome airport. Food looks great! On my list for a breakfast flight

  • Janet- What a trooper!

    Had a blowout on the way home in the RV-- 8 hours home!!!  She is so good to us!   Many guys were asking me how I did it---- good looking, smart girl, was a hang glider pilot, drives RV for us so we can fly, likes trikes, OK with hanging out in the desert, ...

  • East Shore of Lake Tahoe Nevada with California in the distance

    Paul Hamilton (Reno) training Jon Carmichael (Las Vegas) for private pilot high altitude above 10,000 at Lake Tahoe at the North Shore looking south

  • Landing at Mineral Airstrip Canyon on the Green River

    We landed at Mineral Canyon to look over the wings (now frost free) and to clean a smudge of dirt off the gopro before heading out an amazing hour long f...t of there.   I wish I had my camera running before takeo...

  • Screw Driver Technique for Tight Batten Strings

    Rizzy, didn't we post this one here a long time ago? The guy in the photo taken...

  • BioniX Corset Mechanism

    A world first patent corset mechanism for the twist control of the Air Creation BioniX wing. The variable geometry allows the pilot to adjust the handling, speed & performance of the aircraft with the ability to go very fast, or ideally very slow for short field landings.

  • Grand Falls, Little Colorado

    We flew by the Grand Falls of the Little Colorado River, which by luck had some water running after a fall rainstorm three days earlier. The lead pilot is my friend Paul Dressendorfer.

  • Milford Dawn

    We got up 2hrs before sunrise.  The wind was still blowing, 8kts at Milford, out of the south.   We talked to a helicopter pilot yesterday.  It is always blowing here.   We took off, did a touch and go and headed north for Ibex. 

  • Corona Arch

    After leaving the Green River, we crossed over to the Colorado River on the opposite side of Canyonlands and headed upstream.   I found Corona Arch, made famous by a Tim Martin, a Utah Backcountry pilot who flew through this arch many a time.

  • Wings and Whale Sharks

    Looking at Whale Sharks From the...ang gliding champion and micro-light pilot/...of Seychelles as a marine air survey pilot.  This project comprises the longest running and most detailed M...joyable read – a must have for pilots and divers and recommended f...