Results for "Slab City"


  • Gypsum flat, near Dell City, Texas

    I flew south to land at a gypsum lake, just a few miles north of the Texas, New Mexico State line.  I camped under the wing with 5 other pilots of New Mexico Backcountry Pilots  Group.  There were a million stars out that night.

  • Getting even later

    It was getting late now.  We certainly couldn't count on city lights to guide us home. No time to...

  • Moro Rock (seven sisters inthe back ground)

    Moro Rock at the entrance to Moro Bay-  I used to live here when I first mov...further granite peaks of extinct volcanoes ending in San Luis Obispo (beautiful city, always sunny and temperate-&...

  • My route to LZRU

    This is my route from our "airfield" near Gajary vilage to LZRU airport...tomic power station (LZP-29) and LZPP. My next turning point (TP) was Topoľčany city and next was LZPT Partiz&aacu...