Results for "Sin City"


  • Gypsum flat, near Dell City, Texas

    I flew south to land at a gypsum lake, just a few miles north of the Texas, New Mexico State line.  I camped under the wing with 5 other pilots of New Mexico Backcountry Pilots  Group.  There were a million stars out that night.

  • Getting even later

    It was getting late now.  We certainly couldn't count on city lights to guide us home. No time to climb, we skirted the last cliffs before we would round the corner f...

  • Moro Rock (seven sisters inthe back ground)

    ...e back ground (above) you can see some of the "7 Sisters" further granite peaks of extinct volcanoes ending in San Luis Obispo (beautiful city, always sunny and temperate-&...

  • My route to LZRU

    ...fter took off at first I flew via CTR LZMC (military) next between atomic power station (LZP-29) and LZPP. My next turning point (TP) was Topoľčany city and next was LZPT Partiz&aacu...