Results for "High Tatras"


  • My route to LZRU

    This is my route from our "airfield" near Gajary vilage to LZRU airport Ružomberok. After took of...TP is up the Necpaly vilage. I had to climb to 2750m ALT (its my personal high r...

  • Liquid Containment Bag- from Alaskan Bushwheel

    This bag was found by @Jake.  He bought a couple and liked them. They are much cheaper than the Turtle Pac...'t trust it for carrying fuel at altitude (low ambient pressure, relatively high i...

  • Tied Down at Milford

    We landed at Milford with the winds 18 knots, gusting to 23.   At least it was straight in.  10 mil...e at all.   We needed gas and I wasn't too keen on landing at Ibex in high w...

  • Posted for Firstlight#1

      My friend Firstlight sent me these and I posted for him.  Great photos!!! Nice toys you hav...e daylight hours today in the car driving home from Canada. It was a beautiful, high-p...

  • Firstlight Photo#2

      My friend Firstlight sent me these and I posted for him.  Great photos!!! Nice toys you hav...e daylight hours today in the car driving home from Canada. It was a beautiful, high-p...