Results for "St"


  • Jim's Flights- cool SkyVector Map-- Create your own easily

    ...t;Help" for inline links- easy). On SkyVector-  enter two distant airports you've; Boom, Cool map!!   Impress your friends! Now works in Australia too ! (but upside down-...

  • The Expeditions of Crayon Box (works in Europe too Jozinko!) works in Oz too. Used Crayon Box's listed 3 airports on his profile:&...asn't found, so made up a GPS point nearby just by dragging the purple line a...razier? Island, so I drug one point over there just to make it interesting (even...

  • What on earth???

    Hope someone knows what this is. I have no idea... UFO?   Last sighted KBVU

  • UFO side view

    Stranges aircraft I have ever seen. Perhaps Damien flew this in from Roswell?

  • Jon Meets Damien

    Jon meets Damien for the first time, previously only known over the internet

  • Jon and Damien

    Jon and Damien after our first flight out over Las Vegas.

  • My route to LZRU

    ...t Ružomberok. After took off at first I flew via CTR LZMC (military) next between atomic power station (LZP-29) and LZPP. My ne... Prievidza. I havent GRS rescue system then I planned all my LZRU Ružomberok. I flew 1h15min nonstop....

  • Trike buggy!

    We ran into Bob from Austrailia, and ...... Chad Bastian giving him PPG instruction a couple of mornings down at the Eldorado Dry lake. Surprised to see him in our neck of the desert

  • Fast and Slow

    Todd departing KBVU for a few runs around the pattern in pretty big wind. I like the contrast here of the citation and the trike.

  • Rio Grande Source?

    We were here yesterday, looking for the source. It is around the corner to the right.  At the corner, we started climbing. At this ti...