Results for "WING FOLD BACK"


  • Tanarg ready for Travel

    Mission Accomplished--  Ken's new trike ready to be shipped back to Vegas.  We got thrift store blankets, pillows, etc.  Leaned the mast forward, put the front tube on the mast wrapped in cardboard and duct tape.  Wheel pants off.  Prop off. Ready for adventure!!!

  • Help me name my trike

    Rizzy's wagon with a 4 stroke HKS 700e motor, tundra tires and a beautiful zero hour Manta RST 17 meter wing. And the trike is still under 100 hours. Can you help me pick a name for her?

  • Skycycle

    Marks Skycycle with the wing carried low

  • Zach and the Scary Skeleton - Not trike related

    Enjoying my vacation in New York, took my son Zach to Coney Island Beach in Brook...isting I took him on the Scare-O-Rama ride. He got pretty scared, so I took him back the next day, by the tal...

  • Upgraded trim system

    Gives full forward and rear authority to the trim, also changes wing geometry appropriately at trim different speeds. Awesome

  • Trikes over Tahoe

    Here's a shot from @trikecif Paul Hamilton's wing cam of the two of us approaching Lake Tahoe. We met up over Carson City airport  by chance. What a beautiful day to be a trike pilot!!

  • Daddy's Little Helper

    My (Rizzy's) son Zach helping me with the trike. You have got to start them young :D Trike in picture is a Northwing Navajo Trike with HKS 700e and Manta 17 RST wing.

  • Beating the heat

    Woke up pre-dawn to beat the heat for a test flight of the new wing. Temps were a cool 94 when I woke up at 330. 107 by 9am. Got to love it!

  • Jozinko likes his Didgeridoo & Aboriginal Telephone

    You swing the wing shaped "telephone" around on a string and it hums out your message

  • NSW State Kite Flying Titles

    Rathmines on Lake MacQuarie - 1974 NSW State Kite Flying Titles Back Row.. Colin Arnold, Jim Canon, Eric Brandon, Rod Moore, Steve Moyes, Kevin Duncan, Bob Breiley. Front Row.. Chris Brandon, Shane Duncan, Ricky Duncan, Russell Duncan.