Results for "nbsp nbsp"


  • Dark morning.

    It had rained hard last night and my trike was soaked.  I learned my lesson and will put a cover over it next time. The rain messed up my radio, and Paul’s wasn’t working either.  We took off with me in the lead and Paul right behind me.

  • Truchas Peak

    High over Truchas Peak, in Northern New Mexico.  It took me 2.5 hrs to get here (5 hr round trip) but it was well worth it.  

  • Two days later, Janet leaving me at Yosemite .... I guess I have to fly now!

    Next stop Hollister...  no wait, Watsonville-- Join our buddies Ken & Doug!!!  ;) Weather was getting better, after the low clouds lifted mid morning, I scooted out of the Sierra Foothills for the Santa Cruz coast (chasing the good weather).

  • Mt Taylor Plateau

    ...from the summit of Mt Taylor, but didn’t feel too much turbulence.  We had thought we would land...Double Eagle and top off our gas tanks, but we both had plenty of fuel.  So we decided to do the retu...

  • Safety Lanyard

    ...rd looking camera is located on the front tube.  This is mounted using the Go...  In this case no coupler is n...close to the front tube to minimize vibration.  I use a lanyard on this as a...

  • Monument Valley

    We headed east and soon were approaching Monument Valley.  The winds were lighter this morning compared to our visit 3 days ago on Friday afternoon.  I have flown here many times, and visited it on the ground twice this year and never grow tired of it.

  • Fly-By at FlaBob!

    Going places in a trike is Cool !!  I think Ken has the bug now.  I was only able to check 3 more airports off my list, but they were cool ones, especially Big Bear-- had been wanting to do that and needed good conditions-- and FlaBob, home of EAA Chapter #1 very cool.

  • Aerodynamic trailer

    I like this one!   Light, enclosed, easy to build, easy to tow.   Wing could also go on top of trailer.

  • Kite, Workshop,

    Here is my first 12 x 12 ski wing kite in 2013,,, hanging above the workshop.  This is my kite in the video and is a present reminder of my lucky life.. to fly.!

  • Setting up the Millenium and my HG

    I used to have a lightweight wing cover for XC--  it packed into the harness easier (yep, we had to take all our packing material with us on XC flights)-  It was light camo fabric, so...