Results for "Flying J"


  • What LA looks like flying at night

    Have to fly > 50 miles away and 3 hours with 10 landings at night. Among other things, it's hard to judge your altitude at night.  Clouds are just blacker spots in the sky. Black spots on the ground are either airports, or mountains, or lakes/ocean, or rough terrain.

  • New grass strip at Monterey Bay

    Bob, who manages the airstrip, invited us all back to do a several day stay of flying here.  I said I could round up some guys as a work crew--  gonna need some volunteer...

  • Sunrise at George's house 04:30am

    Got up early yesterday for some flying. We just did a little shake down flight, mostly to make sure my trike survived the 1000 mile trip up here and was ready to go.  Also...

  • "Hungary Joe's Flying Circus"

    Joe Salazi (sp?) used to tour the country with his Dragonfly touring groups of Hang Gliders who go together to do some towing.  The dragonfly pops iinto that en...

  • shiprock_tail

    The winds were strong out of the Northwest.  We had thought about flying up to Bluff, but the winds seem to always be very strong up there.  We headed due west over the t...

  • Puerco Window

    I was flying up the Rio Puerco basin and I saw this "window" cut into a wall of rock.  The opening is 42 ft across, see the shadow of my trike to check the size.  It would be a tight fit.    I flew over the window.

  • davids future play ground

    ...p;  you game david henery jeff tom george ken kim  xc triker would have to be carefull of grizzlys and bigfoot swating you down flying low though.

  • Pilots prefer 2 Seats!! (or less >83%)

    ...g.  Though GA pilots often say theirs are better because ...  and they can take more passengers--  the truth is the majority prefer flying with one other person.  ...

  • True Glory - YFT 2013

    ...Aus Registration Compliance for the Air Creation Tanarg 912s (100hp) BioniX 13 in Australia - Thursday 17th Januray 2013. A true friendship in flying the finest trikes in absolute...

  • Over the Lake at 3000 feet

    Flying around clouds at 3000 feet.