Results for "Central Europe, Slovak Republic, Malacky, Dubová Airport - LZDV"


  • Air creation trikes at Coolidge AZ (P08)

    Four trikes flew over to check out Cooidge, home of the scratch built authentic spitfire, and Gary's home airport. Gary and the spitfire were gone, had calm winds and decided to get in a photo opp. Trikes from left to right. Ken's Tanarg, Scott's Tanarg, Henry's Tanarg, and Kim's Skypper

  • Santa Fe Baldy and Lake Katherine

    It too me 2 hours to fly north from my home airport on a calm day to get a look at Santa Fe Baldy and Lake Katherine.  

  • Hurricane farms

    Farms near the Hurricane airport

  • In amongst them

    Another flight up to 13,999 ft.  This time over 3 deep valleys carved into a  12,500 ft high plateau.&n...t I had to maneuver around to get from on valley to the next and return to the airp...

  • Ready to head out

    Paul's trike warming up outside our hangar at Belen Alexander Airport, in New Mexico.  In the background is Ladron Peak.  This would be my most ambitious XC trip ever. ...

  • Trying to figure out a way to get a trike through

    So, this is Las Vegas / McCarran Airport.  I want to fly right down the Las Vegas strip at night / sunset with all the lights of the Vegas.  Helicopters do i...

  • Surprise Gaggle at Monterey Bay Academy (CA66 Private Strip)

    We had a lot of fun flying here today.  Bob, the manager would like us to get together to increase the flyin...end the trip by flying home to Santa Maria to help get Oceano ready for Oceano Airp...

  • My New Aircraft

    Hey Guys, FINALLY!!!!! got my new Skyper airworthied  in Tucson on November...; Had to fly off the 5 hours within 25 miles of the airport.  Then it was off to Pah...or not, I got endorsed by Neil to fly into towered airp...

  • Personal Twin Beech parked in front of Owners House

    So, I bumped into a lady who knew the owners.  They live in this house the Twin Beech is nosed up to.  They spend part time here at FlaBob (personal Airport!!!) and part time in ? Arizona?   The plane looks a lot like a Lockheed Electra (Amelia Earhardt)

  • Blanco Basin

    It is great fun to drop down to the valley floor then marvel at where you were a few minutes earlier.  The f...route out of the basin flying around the corner to the right to Pagosa Springs Airp...