Results for "Hudson river"


  • Little Colorado

    We turned north to pick up and follow the Little Colorado River for a while.   The canyon is very steeply walled and runs for a hundred of miles, like some sort of maze. I head heard t...

  • Little Grand Canyon

    We landed at Huntington Airport, refueled and borrowed the courtesy car to eat a huge...nbsp; One meal a day saves time and trouble.  We followed the San Raphael River to the "Little Grand Canyon"...

  • sunset_flight

    We followed the Green downstream down to Mineral Canyon Airstrip.   We set up camp there, then headed over to Moab to refuel. We made it back a little before sunset and followed the Green River down stream to Canyonlands, then headed back to Mineral Canyon to call it for the day.

  • data

    Our tents were already up, so we just ate dinner then crawled into our tents. ...  Tomorrow morning we will just hop into the trikes and head up the Green River.   The winds were a...

  • BMW 1200GS

    New exhaust now works without falling off. Flew for a while over the wine orchards and made a pest of myself for the workers below. Got out to the Snake River to the south but kept finding...

  • dirtydevil1

    Saturdau, October 6, 2013. I woke up early, washed down a granola bar with a c...o place for a rough engine, as we were heading upstream inside the Dirty Devil River Canyon. The Canyon became...

  • aiptek_land_mineral1

    We passed the confluence of the Colorado and Green Rivers, then headed upstream along the Green to Mineral Canyon. ...he "Huck Finn" raft parked at the take out spot on the river.   Our plan t...

  • Glacier National Park from ~12,000' Aug '13

    With all this sea level flying, I thought I'd throw in a shot of some non-seal level flying I did with George, Tom & Henry a few weeks ago. (for more pi...

  • Little Colorado Canyon

    We continued north and crossed the Little Colorado River again.  Here it is a very steep and narrow canyon.  It definitely was a thrill to fly along the edge with my stomach wrenching...

  • lenticular

    I saw some lenticular-like clouds above me.  Time to get out of here. We...een the clouds and crossing the Navajo and Blanco Basins to reach the San Juan River, draining out of Wolf Creek P...