Results for "flight lessons"


  • Comment on "Breakfast Flight"

    Saturday was the perfect day for an early morning flight to Paul's place, near Wangaratta, for a bac...flew in. However others from YFT drove in. The flight was lovely and smooth, meet up with friends again. The mid morning flight...

  • Comment on "XC and Ken's flight into the owens valley (Sierras) and special treat if weather permits on sat"

    Fantastic flight! What oxygen system did you end up using? Was it a pulse system? How well did it work for you? The photos look great. Looking forward to a first person account of the flight.  

  • Comment on "Noel C Goes Solo"

    Good one Noel.. so good to see another happy face from YFT doing their best to achieve flight SOLO..! May you have many a flight in safety with lasting memories of smooth landings. Congratulations.

  • Comment on "PaV2010"

    Awesome Jozinko, loved your flight , my favorite parts were the flight over that little town and in the clouds. Awesome scenry

  • Comment on "Brian Bridge"

    My first flight with Brian as a Sport Pilot, just 2 buddies in the sky having fun! We went on a nice 2 hour flight. I posted a few photos here: Cheers, Damien

  • Comment on "GPS Day1"

    That's a long flight for one day in the middle of nowhere. It was a long one day flight for us just to fly from Page, AZ up lake Powell to Monument Valley. Very cool- very impressive triking !!! Awesome fuel management and planning

  • Comment on "YFT & Anne - Preparing for departure"

    Hi WE, Anne and I had a fantastic flight last night. The air was smooth and you could see forever. We climbed to 3700 feet and did a glide approach back to the aerodrome from 7nm. I had to go-round as we were still at a 1000 feet over the RWY. Great flight. All the best YFT

  • Comment on "Time to smell the roses"

    Doug can you say what is the specific 5 hours of flight test for phase 1 or os that just 5 hours of general flight?

  • Comment on "My 10 years old son Zach's first trike flight with live audio"

    My 10 years old son Zach's first trike flight with live audio. I hope you enjoy it. Truth be told, I was a little nervous before the take off. But my son was another story, totally fearless and enjoying the flight. Kids are just awesome. I hope I can give him many more memories like this one.

  • Comment on "Acoma Sky City"

    Frank Dempsey (CFI and DPE) in his Apollo 912S Delta Jet and Henry Howe (Licensed Handsome Old Pilot) in his Airborne Outback leading the way on a morning flight to Acoma Sky City. I put 12 great photos from this flight here -->!Damien