Results for "Peter YFT goes BioniX"


  • Comment on "9000 Miles Journey with Ultralight Trike in 2015"

    Thanks you so much, white eagle, Rick D, Ken, Jozinko, Dean and Peter for watching and leaving your great comments here. I'm glad that I could make the series of these movies for continuous 5 years. I will explore more new and beautiful places in coming 2016.  

  • Comment on "RAAF 75SQDN Mirage"

    Hi CrayonBox, This brings back memories. The Guy that filmed it was a Leading Seaman called Peter Fish. He now lives in Darwin. I was his CO in the Photographic branch. I was not in that video but I was the one that flew the Mirage in for the sunset shot. Thanks for posting a great memory.

  • Comment on "Lisa Starts Training"

    peter you ground school looks so pro and organized.just looking so forward to meeting you and anne .its mind boggling how many you solo and train into this awesome sport.  please give lisa a big aussie hug and congratulations from up over for me. 

  • Comment on "Gt5 in hangar"

    I have 2 wings Noel. One strutted and one kingposted. I...heavier gross weight capacity. I've considered the Bionix - and love the trim concept,...d the 13 handles like a dream.  That aside the Bionix is way more expensive, prohib...

  • Comment on "Toucan't fly"

    Hi Peter/Roy, Ill bet that Toucan would have needed some tender stroking by an attractive young lady to calm its jaded nerves after that engine out.  Pleased to hear it all transpired without incident.  I look forward to seeing the video.

  • Comment on "Amazing Marble Canyon Flight"

    Thanks everyone for your comments on the video. It is truly an amazing place to fly!Mark, I am sure it would boost the popularity of the sport. Have you run this by Tom and Peter?

  • Comment on "Yes they are one of us now."

    I see it didn't take long before Peter had you all wearing his Monty Python Tit Lids...Very fetching. I too wish I could have come across, sadly the timings were out of whack.  I look forward to hearing of your Aussie Triking Adventure stories, with lots of photos.  Go well

  • Comment on "Elk River 2013 Fly-In"

    YFT, I know ....   I love  the short windscreen!!!  I love lo...there but, everybody in the back seat tells me that with the extra speed of the BioniX I should put the taller winds...

  • Comment on "My Pics"

    Thanks David.  I hope to get up your way in it sometime and we can fly together.  The BioniX-13 wing is truly incredible.  "Hands-off" speed range from 52 mph to 90 mph. Kim  

  • Comment on "2005 Gajary"

    Ahoj Jozinko, My friend Branko would like to come over and see you in August this year....he will be in touch. If I can get over to see you with Branko I will. All the best Peter