Results for "landings landing learning low approach"


  • Comment on "Hands off"

    I have been told that some people have been having trouble landing the PulsR? So I went up in a number of different condition and put the PulsR through and number of different speeds on landing....

  • Comment on "What's your favorite RWY surface?"

    To this point I have only landed on sealed (95%) and gravel (5%) so not really qualified t...erested in experience from others if there are specific landing/...s required for different surfaces(beyond the obvious of landing...

  • Comment on "Student Bill"

    Bill is out here in Albuquerque, New Mexico to full his dream of learning to fly! Don't get fooled by the Stoic Look, he is having lots of fun and it's very rewarding to see him get better each lesson! I have a can of Solo set aside for Bill!

  • Comment on "Rizzy's bad landing"

    The "Royal Farter" was NOT there to fart FOR the King...tle to help them out of a bad approach and touch down will never be...them out of a poorly executed landing.  Therefore if you are tip-over. In turbulent landing condition, use the whole runwa...

  • Comment on "EAA pushes for ultralight training reforms- Instructors plunge from 3,200 in '02 to FIFTY !!!???? More WTF"

    Wayne, my interpretation is that a CFI is not needed to learn how to fly a par...not like it maybe because operator was just learning with new equipment.  So...ecrease which required immediate set up for landing flare.  But taking off and landing...

  • Comment on "Learning to Fly"

    Thankyou all so much for your comments, much appreciate! A challenge from Super 8mm to video, the quality has deteriated over 40 years but not too bad for the end result. Will have some more about learning to hang glide in the same kites soon for you to see..

  • Comment on "Lubos B and his first solo"

    Thanks Rick. He is quite a "mechanical" type of pilot. He flies by strict learned procedures,...e have to know for final exam and I waited if he does a landing procedures automaticaly or not. Not! He did landing...

  • Comment on "Flying Blindfolded - Solo - on a PPC/PPG type aircraft - not a WSC Trike"

    The 2nd time I was out at Monument Valley, I heard a GA pilot who was lost on the radio. about all the times he "rolled" his PPC on landing...e the cage around the propeller. So I don't see how landing...

  • Comment on ""Make 2 Circuits""

    Ahhh, looks like those landings are just right! For a minute I thought that back taxi was your takeoff roll. I thought you would never leave the ground!

  • Comment on "Hangar Rotor"

    I hate to be in that rotor in higher wind . I think i would opt for a higher approach and maybe try to drop in over. It looks as you have enough room but cant really say from video.i had a fellow hang glider friend who was killed by a rotor so i avoid them like the plauge. Nice demonstration video.