Results for "aircraft"


  • Comment on "SR22 Crash"

    ..., David, I don't even think our students know that it happened. That's life in the flying industry. I am just amazed at how little is left of the aircraft. I think if it had been a Ces...

  • Comment on "DSCN1011.JPG"

    "main reasons for the aircraft engine…to strictly run avgas….much less hassle when on an XC" Plus I live in an airpark with the Avgas pump nearby....sign the sheet and pay monthly.

  • Comment on "Nice Ride"

    Hi Christopher, Great looking Tanarg. Hope you have many fantastic flying hours in it. I will be getting two new Tanarg's next month. One will be Yellow and the other will be all Black. Have a lot of fun in your new aircraft and send us lots of photos. All the best YFT

  • Comment on "Little Red Trike"

    Hay Noel, you got some great shots of Snowbird 3 & 4. I see Tanarg One in the background. Did you drop a live stick of one? The two Snowbird's That's there callsign. They are CASA 212 aircraft and they were doing military parachute drops.

  • Comment on "Fuel Filter for Trikes"

    I don't know why you would use these on an aircraft.i have seen them crack and leak on hotrods and trucks and start and engine fire.1 unnoticed crack and it will break maybe in air and your done no fuel.i would trust the plastic ones and throw them away every 25 hrs who wants to clean them anyway

  • Comment on "Close up"

    Hi XC, That is a red strob light and Nav Light that I fit to all my aircraft and it works well.

  • Comment on "Gibbo Manta 17 wing First Impressions"

    ...happen to me many times. There was nothing wrong with a particular aircraft…I just didn’t When my flying buddies tease me about my going through so many aircraft I just tell them “I did...

  • Comment on "Quote "Pilots have no rights in war on drugs"" article on his aviation news app that last wk a PPC was detained and searched in northern Montana and that they were doing random searches of aircraft near the Canadian

  • Comment on "WSC Flight Instruction"

    Mike, good to hear from you.  For clarification for other potential students, are these rates strictly in "customer owned aircraft" or do you have a SLSA trainer you train in too?

  • Comment on "Under production YFT's new Skypper"

    ...Skypper will be used as a primary trainer. Yes I decided to go with the 80hp. Yes I have decided to stick with the Bionix 13 wing for all the AC aircraft I will buy in the future. I e...