Results for "from"


  • Shed 4 - upwego - ACA 2014

    Hey you all.. not posted for a while, but have been watching.. news flash.! Some 5 months have past.. and a new address for Air Creation in Australia is evolving....

  • Salton Sea 2014

    Everyone can post Salton Sea pics to this album. You may need to Join the Group Photos group first (click on the link, then click Join Group)

  • DARE to be SAFE

    Our past can pave the future.. a wise man told me, he was my dad... One great achievement flight has injected into my life.. is the responsibility of self.. and my dec...

  • Our Home Airfields

    Everyone can put photos of their home Airfields here-- then we can feel like we're that much closer.  Also OK to put a couple pictures of cool things in the area....

  • Recent Flight up the Coast near Home

    These photos I took flying up the coast near my house.  Include Pismo dunes, Oceano Airport (Rwy 29), and Hearst Castle.  Today I flew down the beach across Sant...

  • The Grand Circle - 2014

    This year, my flying buddy Paul and I flew the "Grand Circle", a huge loop around th...multi-day flight I have ever made. We started at from Belen, NM and headed west, Mountain, and go forward and backwards in time from there.  I...