Results for "Small Plane Crash"


  • a black sunday for me :(

    Something made a hole to my engine block today.  I flew with my student. After 4th tak...covered of oil. We wouldnt find the leak. Then I removed out air filter and there was small...

  • Breaking shear waves

    Cor - check this out. This is something that occurs reasonably regularly but isn't often...a benchtop with your hand. If you imagine bits breaking off and rolling into balls or small...

  • Strobe Lights- My installation on Wheel Pants (spats for you Aussies)

    When prices came down slightly from astronomical for LED strobes, I mounted a pair of Aveo get a view of the sky that might be blocked from there, and it was actually a very small...

  • Great flying weekend at YFT

    A Great Flying Weekend... With the Chat "N" Chew out of the way, it was time to get some fl...ed to fly North and see if we could see them in the flat lands. Well, yes we did see a small...