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‘Flying coffin’ glider pilot from WWII gets overdue Bronze Star: Revision

Last updated by XC Triker

Categories: Soaring, News, Not Trike Related

Little known are the 6,000 World War II glider pilots who were towed into combat zones, in a one-way flight to drop off soldiers and supplies. Bob Swenson, 90, of Bellevue, finally is getting an overdue Bronze Star medal for his heroism.

By Erik Lacitis Seattle Times staff reporter

WWII glider pilot Bob Swenson, 90, shares old photographs at his Bellevue home. Swenson was belatedly awarded the Bronze Star.


WWII glider pilot Bob Swenson, 90, shares old photographs at his Bellevue home. Swenson was belatedly awarded the Bronze Star.

There is something about guys like Bob Swenson, who for two days back in World War II took part in a heroic mission. Bodies were on the ground, gunned down by the Germans.

Swenson is now 90, retired as a bank analyst for the state and living in Bellevue. He’s very low-key about how earlier this month .....   Remainder article here:

Wonderful article. We don't get enough about the men who fought in WWII who are still...  MORE
Duty in the Glider Corp; a crap shot if you landed in the right zone, odds even greater... MORE

Hey, @Knussear, you were a paratrooper right?  What's your life story?